
High-Stakes Assessment: Evaluating Research Hypotheses

For this assignment, you will be putting your knowledge of both basic and advanced statistical analyses to the test. You will be given a series of research hypotheses and will be asked to evaluate each hypothesis. Research Situation 1 Researchers were interested in examining whether yoga was more effective in reducing stress compared to a […]

Multiple Regression Data

Attached Data

Applying Multiple Regression

For this discussion, imagine that you work for a hospital that is interested in finding out what variables predict how severe someone’s experience with the flu will be. In research, we are often interested in identifying variables that help us predict the outcome of other variables such as disease, academic performance, or professional performance. One […]

Conducting a Multiple Regression Test

One of the more commonly used analyses is multiple regression. Just as linear regression allows you to make predictions regarding an outcome variable on the basis of its relationship with a single predictor variable, you can make predictions about an outcome variable on the basis of its relationship with multiple predictor variables. For this assignment, […]

Multiple Regression

Scenario             I am working in a hospital and interested in ascertaining the predictors variables for flu & how severe it will be based on these variables to predict the level of severity. In this research study, we also determine the variables that predicts outcome of other relative variables such as “disease”, “academic performance”, or […]


Complete Exercises 16 and 17 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.


 You need to come up with a question that can be answered by collecting data and analyzing it.  Something like “When I buy a bag of Starbursts candy am I likely to get an equal number of each color?”  You would then buy Starbursts and figure out the proportion of each color.  You would then […]

Conducting a Logistic Regression

When interpreting the results of a multiple regression analysis, you need to interpret both the significance of the overall model as well as the significance of each individual predictor and its relationship to the outcome variable. The same is also true for logistic regression. However, because the DV is categorical, you must ensure that your […]

In this assignment, you are able to connect the concepts of reinforcement to a real example of a mom and her children, which allows you to see how a highly effective reinforcer (the token economy) can

In this assignment, you are able to connect the concepts of reinforcement to a real example of a mom and her children, which allows you to see how a highly effective reinforcer (the token economy) can still fail when not individualized. Consider the following scenario: A mother is trying to increase the amount of carrots […]

Chi-square is used to test differences between ____.
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