choose one of the poems from the list below and write down an analysis of approximately 1 page in which you discuss how the sound devices discussed

Category: English

choose one of the poems from the list below and write down an analysis of approximately 1 page in which you discuss how the sound devices discussed in this activity contribute to the meaning of the poem. In your analysis, you may also discuss important images and symbols as they are related to the sound devices. Please remember that you are not meant to talk about what you think the poet is “trying to say”. Rather, demonstrate how the devices of alliteration, rhyme, meter, assonance, consonance and repetition help the poet to make the meaning clear. Also, it is not necessary that you discuss each device. Clearly, these poems do not contain all of these devices in equal measure.

You will find all of these poems on the University of Toronto Library’s Poets Website.

  1. Thomas Hardy – “Channel Firing”
  2. John Keats – “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
  3. Wallace Stevens – “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman”
  4. William Blake – “The Tyger”
  5. Percy Bysshe Shelley – “Ozymandias”
  6. Samuel Taylor Coleridge – “Kubla Khan”

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