Community Prevention Program

Category: Psychology

After hearing that a neighbor’s child, Jeremy, age seven, was sexually assaulted in the local park, the parents of Cherry Hill township decide that their community needs a program to prevent sexual abuse of their children in the future.

Prepare a presentation for the parents, providing pertinent information they might like to include in a Sexual Assault Prevention program aimed at the children in their community. Suggest the psychoeducational and supportive approaches that can be effectively used at the community level, such as in community centers, schools, and social service agencies, to provide this information to the children. Address issues of gender, diversity, and ethics in your presentation.

Submit your PowerPoint presentation to the W2: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, March 1, 2017. Your response should be at least 5 – 6 slides and include speaker notes for each slide.  In addition, make sure you have included a title slide and a reference slide.

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