Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: The Impact of Information Technology on the Society. Initially, the field of information technology was less advanced and communication was less effective and expensive. However, the recent few decades have been characterized by great revolution in computing and communication, which are the indicators of advancement in information technology. The last few decades have been characterized by rapid progress in technology especially with the extensive spread of internet. The developments have revolutionized different fields such as business, education, and medicine.
When humans began communicating, they made use of language and other simple techniques such as drawings. This era was pre-mechanical and there were no sophisticated communication devices. With time, human developed the alphabets, papers, and paper, which enhances written communication. This led to eventual development of books and libraries for information storage. Later on number systems were developed easing communication. Mechanization of communication technologies involved development of analogue computers such as Blaise Pascal, which was invented by Pascaline. Telecommunication was developed in the electromechanical period. The period involved creation of telegraph, telephone, and radio. This period was followed by large-scale production of computers that could be used at homes and offices. The period was followed by modern age, which is characterized by digitized computers. Recent developments involve invention of central processing units with logic and memory. Other inventions include personal computers.
According to Hirschheim and Heinz (2012), developments in the field of information technology were greatly enhanced by those in the field of science. The developments enhanced different aspects of the human life such as business and human interactions.