Consumer Report

Category: Political Science

Go to the EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water webpage.

Under “Consumer Confidence Reports” click on the “Find your local CCR” link on the right.

Click on the state in which you live (CALIFORNIA).

Type in the name of your water system or the City, Town or County in which you live. (SAN DIEGO)

Once you have done this, click on the “Search” button on the right. 

Once your search information loads, scroll down to find the water system or district that serves your home (or the nearest system to you) by clicking on the blue link in the “CCR Website” column. 

Alternatively, you can do a google search for your city. 

“For example, I would google “CCR Water San Diego,California”. 

 If you cannot find a water report, or you are on a private well, look for the nearest city of at least 10,000 people near you. 

If none of the above work, let me know. 

Once you have the report, review any information on the water quality or past violations for your system. and Write a short essay of at least 1 page discussing issues related to groundwater in your state and the area of the state in which you live. In your paper include the city and state in which you live. 

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