CRT 205 Week 4 More Fallacies Quiz II

Category: Communications

This document of CRT 205 Week 4 More Fallacies Quiz II includes answers to the next questions:

1. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that attacks the arguer instead of the argument.2. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that unfairly places the onus of providing evidence for a position on the wrong side of an issue.3. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that ignores an opponent’s actual position and instead presents and attacks a distorted, oversimplified, or misrepresented version of that position.4. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that limits consideration to only two alternatives when there are, in fact, more than two.5. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that claims we must continue a certain course of action since we have already begun that course.6. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that tempts us to believe there is a necessary connection between one thing happening and some other thing happening when, in fact, there is no such necessary connection.7. From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that asks us to accept premises that are as controversial as the conclusion being argued for and which are controversial on the same grounds.8. Poisoning the well and argument from inconsistency are versions of which of the following types of rhetorical devices?9. Either join in political life or resign yourself to a lonely and meaningless existence.10. You have to discount Mr. McGill’s views on abortion. As a member of the Pre-Natal Liberation Organization, he can’t help being prejudiced.11. You should bathe three times a day in a tub of whole milk to keep your skin looking young. No one has ever proved that it doesn’t work.12. Defense lawyer Robert Baker at O. J. Simpson’s civil trial: This isn’t a fight for justice, it’s a fight for money.13. Letter to the editor: Now the Dallas Police have dismissed the rape charges against Michael Irvin and Erik Williams. Excuse me if I’m suspicious of the Dallas Police Department. I’m old enough to remember Lee Harvey Oswald being shot to death with the Dallas Police escorting him.14. Before you go getting all excited about the ancient Greek ideal of leisure and learning, remember that it was built on the backs of slaves. How do you think they liked the sight of all those philosophers? Not much.15. Once your kids are watching cartoons, they’re also watching those toy commercials. If they see the commercials they’ll want the toys; before you know it, they’re obsessed with the toys and you’ve lost all control over them. So don’t let children watch cartoons.16. Tomorrow night you will watch my opponent on these same channels. He’ll try to defend all the exhausted ideas that have landed this state in the gutter. You wait, he’ll pretend he’s saying something new. But that’s the way it goes in politics, and I’ll let him make his little speech. Freedom of choice is what America is all about.17. Either you floss daily or your teeth look pathetic.18. I beg to differ, Officer, but sometimes you people go overboard talking about the dangers of fast driving. If you can prove that there’s actually a child near the street right now, and that the child would have stepped out in front of my car, then I’ll grant you that going fifty-five was dangerous.19. The life on other planets must be highly intelligent. After all, we’ve never documented a single case of aliens landing on Earth

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