Devry LAS432 Midterm Exam 2015

Category: Science


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Question 1.1. (TCO 1) The Neolithic Revolution was a result of (Points : 5)

controlled planting of crops.

domestication of animals.

development of irrigation systems.

All of the above

Question 2.2. (TCO 1) In the Neolithic Revolution, the growth of communities was a result of (Points : 5)

the use of steam as an energy source.

farming and the domestication of animals.

conquest and settlement.

new trade routes to the East.

Question 3.3. (TCOs 2 & 8) Rapid urbanization in Britain during the 19th century was the result of

(Points : 5)

new enclosure laws in rural areas.

a shift from household production to factory production.

a growing dependence upon steam power.

All of the above

Question 4.4. (TCOs 2 & 8) Although telephone systems had much in common with telegraph systems, telephone technology was a more social technology because

(Points : 5)

the telephone was a user-to-user technology.

the telegraph required trained interpreters as intermediaries.

the telegraph networked businesses and agencies.

All of the above

Question 5.5. (TCO 4) One of the characteristics of Wiki art is (Points : 5)

it is all the property of Wikipedia.

it’s collaborative and ever-changing.

that finished pieces are sold on an online forum.

that it allows professional artists a new medium.

Question 6.6. (TCO 11) Which of the following is NOT a scholarly resource? (Points : 5)

Journal of the American Medical Association

Chicago Tribune

Question 7.7. (TCO 8) In Britain, members of the industrial middle classes (Points : 5)

kept summer homes in the country to avoid deadly smog.

became Luddites and destroyed machines.

supported labor reforms in Parliament.

did not send their children to work in factories.

Question 8.8. (TCO 11) The intended reader of a scholarly resource would be (Points : 5)




All of the above

Question 9.9. (TCO 12) The term nanotechnology was first used to refer to (Points : 5)

genetically engineered crops.

production technology.

communication between multiple cells.

early personal computers.

Question 10.10. (TCO 12) In China, much research into genetically modified organisms is sponsored by the state, but in the west, research is (Points : 5)

primarily publicly funded.

left solely to research universities.

driven by a handful of large for-profit corporations.

guided by public input and consultation.

Question 1. 1. You must complete all three essays. These essays are worth 50 points each, so please take the time to think through your answers and review them before submitting.

These essays should be a minimum of five paragraphs in length each. They should contain a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph (an answer to the question!). Make sure your explanation is clear and that you provide specific examples. Any quotes from the readings or external materials must include quotation marks and an in-text citation. Failure to identify quoted material could result in a 0 for the exam and a formal academic dishonesty charge.

(TCOs 1 & 2) What are some of the key impacts of the Industrial Revolution? You may discuss not only ones which came about within the time-span attributed to the Industrial Revolution, but also those which stretched long past the end of that particular historical era. (Points: 50)

Question 2. 2. (TCOs 4 & 8) Define and compare at least two of the ethical theories described by Baase. What are their strengths? In what areas do they lack? Do these theories hold up within our modern, technological society? (Points : 50)

Question 3. 3. (TCOs 3 & 4) How have changes in technology affected the recording industry and our understanding of what it means to be a professional musician? How have changes in technology affected our access to recorded music and the control exercised by traditional distributors? How will all these changes affect cultural trends and our expectations of music as an art form? Provide specific examples. (Points : 50)

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