Directions: Compose your comparison/contrast outline by following the outline structure below. All points/information in this outline must be written in complete sentence form or no credit will be gi

Category: English

Directions: Compose your comparison/contrast outline by following the outline structure below.  All points/information in this outline must be written in complete sentence form or no credit will be given.  If you do research on this assignment, be sure to properly document in MLA style formatting.  Also, keep in mind that you are to choose similarities among the two institutions OR differences among the two institutions.  

I. Thesis statement here.

II. Point 1 (State your first point or topic sentence here).

Provide similarities or differences for HBCU (detail 1,2,3…).

Provide similarities or differences for P.W.I. (detail 1,2,3…).

III. Point 2 (State your second point or topic sentence here).

Provide similarities or differences for HBCU (detail 1,2,3…).

Provide similarities or differences for P.W.I.  (detail 1,2,3…)

IV. Point 3 (State your third point or topic sentence here).

Provide similarities or differences for HBCU (detail 1,2,3…).

Provide similarities or differences for P.W.I.  (detail 1,2,3…).

V. Conclusion (summary or opinion based on discussed information).

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