Directions – Think about an event, situation or circumstance that has occurred in your life and write a 250 word short story (paragraph) about how that particular situation taught you a valuable lesso

Category: English

Directions – Think about an event, situation or circumstance that has occurred in your life and write a 250 word short story (paragraph) about how that particular situation taught you a valuable lesson. Your paragraph should begin with an opening point, which is called a topic sentence, followed by a series of specifics to support that particular point.  Remember, this is not an essay.  It is really considered a paragraph, since it will only be 250 words long. Be sure that size 12 font is used, no bold print, double-space throughout the document, practice good grammar and punctuation skills, and check to ensure that your story is 250 words.  Be sure to close out your short story properly, with a closing statement or two. Come up with a catchy title as well. Be sure to take pride in your work.  It can and will make a difference in your grade.  Also, keep in mind that there are penalties for punctuation errors, like commas, period, capitalization.  Refer to the announcements for a breakdown of grade penalties.

When you finish writing your short story, double-space and state the purpose and intended audience of the story. 

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