Discussion # 3 Ethics in Science

Category: English

The purpose of this assignment is to have students discuss the relationship between ethics and science. Science is neither good or bad – it is just the quest to understand how the Universe works. However, what mankind does with this knowledge can be good or evil. How far should mankind go and what ethical boundaries should be in place as new scientific discoveries are made?

Your assignment is to:

1. Watch the video segment link from youtube below:

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external sithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzKHU2oaF8

2. Consider the question: Fritz Haber: Genius or Madman?

3. You are required to write an initial post stating if you think Haber was a humanitarian or inhumane and why you think so.

4. You are also required to reply to 2 student posts.

* Your reply must be to students who do not share your beliefs. For instance, if you think he was a mass murderer, you need to reply to two student posts that believe he was a world savior. If no other student is of opposing views, replies are still required for full credit.

* Please be respectful when you post. The purpose is not to offend, alienate, or disrespect other students. The purpose is to have a friendly discussion of different views regarding the role of ethics in science.

* If you post offensive or inflammatory remarks/language, your post will be removed and you will receive a grade of 0.

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