News has been defined as a reporting on current events of interest to the public by mass media. In its current form news seems to have taken on a much broader interpretation including not just reporting on current events but interpreting and providing opinion on what the news means. “Fair and balanced” is a slogan for a particular news network. What is considered fair for news networks seems to be relative and based on several factors. The same can be said about news in general being balanced. One area that seems to have taken center stage in news network programming is politics. Hours of programming are dedicated to providing coverage, analysis and of course opinion on seemingly every aspect of American politics.
For this assignment you will need to watch the news networks of FNC (Fox News), CNN and MSNBC sometime between the hours of 8-10 PM EST. Examine the programs from a critical thinking perspective removing some of the personal views you may have regarding what they are discussing.
Please cite all sources in APA format & attach a Report.