Dissertation project chapter 3 | Psychology homework help

Category: Psychology

This is the continuation of the Dissertation Project. Please see the attached project and follow these instructions 

Under Trustworthiness

1) The professor is stating that I need align the work as it is stated in the rubric exactly.

2) Also, she wants me to use this article and 2 or 3 more:

i) Trustworthiness Article: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/452e/3393e3ecc34f913e8c49d8faf19b9f89b75d.pdf

ii) Provide references to all the notes

3) Under Transferability: Describes the threats to the credibility and transferability of the study inherent in the study design, sampling strategy, data collection method/instruments, and data analysis. Addresses how these threats will be minimized

4) Under Dependability: discusses how the study documents research procedures

i) Make sure to provide references to all the notes

Under Data Analysis Procedures

1) Please provide References to all the notes in this section

2) Need to write more about THEMATIC. Provide References too

3) Need to provide evidence that quantity and quality of data is sufficient to answer the research questions. This must be present in this section or in an appendix including data samples.

Under Limitations and Delimitations

Delimitations: State why they are unavoidable.

Examples include: they are not transferable

· It provides rich text description of what healthcare providers are saying about mental health care services in Texas

· Participants are members of mental health organizations

State the Consequences

Provide References to all the notes.

Limitations: Just sample sizes

They are limited time and small in sizes

State Consequences and Discuss how to minimize the Limitations

Under Appendix Interview Questions (Please see after the References Page)

I need to develop a few questions that I can use during interview with healthcare providers and caregivers that relates to the Research Questions 

At least 3 Interview Questions per Research Question

I need to develop a few more questions that I can use with my Focus Group that relates to the Research Questions. I have already started this part. 

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