Download and examine the cost-duration table from the link at the bottom of the page. Using critical path method (CPM) analysis, identify three tasks that should be crashed. This is determined based on the low “cost per day saved” values. This value has already been calculated in the attached table for three tasks. You will need to determine the value for the remaining tasks for your analysis.
Use the following outline for section headings:
Identified Tasks
Steps Taken to Identify Tasks
What Information is Needed to Complete the Analysis (to know if the identified tasks are truly the best ones to crash)
Other Recommendations for Shortening Schedule Duration
You will have two files to submit for your assignment. First, you must submit your completed table with all values filled in and marking which tasks you are going to crash. Second, you will submit a 1-to-2-page paper discussing the items in the bulleted list above in a well-written format and in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements for style and writing expectations. Include a title page and a reference page that includes at least two outside references (not including your textbook) to support your analysis.