At least a 150 words response to each question plus sources.
Question 1
Please made certain that you read the prompt before reviewing the following hyperlinked sources:
Do you feel that the facts support the final conclusions to the investigation? Was the right person finally identified? Do you have an alternative theory which you can support with published government or peer-reviewed information?
(If you are so inclined, view the the Public Briefing of the National Research Council Review of Science in the FBI’s Anthrax Case which can be found at
Question 2
Biosurveillance has increased in importance as international threats are increasingly assessed and determined to be valid. Since Sept. 11, 2001, there has been an onslaught of surveillance systems and biosensor prototypes. These sound like great concepts and are necessary as each day that passes before an attack is detected could result in tens, hundreds, or even thousands of deaths.
BioWatch, a network of sensors that detects certain threat agents, is a federal program that originated in 2003. BioWatch and Public Health Surveillance provides one vantage point with respect to the program. The following November 15, 2015 LA Times article provides an entirely different viewpoint while citing concerns from the Government Accounting Office (GAO), U.S. system to detect bioterrorism can’t be counted on, government watchdog finds
Add a bit of your own background research on a related topic, such as BioWatch funding, then write your Discussion Board post on your views of this program.
Question 3
“The purpose of the [12 page] Biological Incident Annex last updated March 7, 2012 is to outline the actions, roles, and responsibilities associated with response to a human disease outbreak of known or unknown origin requiring Federal assistance.” (FEMA, 2015)
The FBI Joint Criminal and Epidemiological Investigations Handbook (Domestic 2015) stated purpose is:
…to facilitate the use of resources and maximize communication and interaction between law enforcement and public health. This combined effort can minimize potential barriers prior to and during the response to a biological threat. Specifically, this handbook aims to:
● Provide an overview of both law enforcement and public health to enhance the appreciation and understanding of each discipline’s expertise
● Discuss criminal and epidemiological investigational procedures and methodologies for a response to a biological threat
● Identify challenges to sharing information and provide potential solutions that may be adapted to meet the needs of the various agencies and jurisdictions
● Demonstrate effective law enforcement and public health collaboration
How do these two documents differ? Are they simply a duplication of information? What possible pros and/or cons might result from having both the Biological Incident Annex and the FBI Crime-Epy Handbook?
Question 4
Think back to the environmental persistence articles. Consider the steps required for post-incident recovery including “cleaning” an environment to pre-incident conditions.
Tony Intrepido served on the decontamination team of the Hart Senate Office Building following the 2001 anthrax attack. One of the other BSBD641 instructors had an opportunity to interview Mr. Intrepido not too long ago. Read the Intrepido Interview. Next, read Ellen Raber’s National Framework and Consequence Management Guidance Following a Biological Attack.
Does the guidance address gaps/concerns mentioned in the Intrepido interview?