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Research Paper – Part 2

Research Paper Thesis

Once you have chosen and received approval for your topic, it is now time to develop your thesis. The thesis is the central, controlling idea for your paper – it is not just your topic, it is what you are saying about your topic, or rather the position you are taking on your topic. Remember that, while you are writing your paper, your “working thesis” may need to be refined and adjusted. As you continue to write, read, and think about your topic, see if your working thesis still represents your opinion.

You must be able to express your thesis in one sentence.

So that we know you are on the right track, together with your thesis you must include three supporting sources. These sources can be primary (such as court decisions) or secondary (such as articles). If the sources are “secondary” they must be taken from reputable scholars or analysts.

For tips and examples, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/.

Research Paper – Part 3

Research Paper Outline

Your outline should be a detailed breakdown of the component parts of your paper. It should be two to four pages in length. The outline is a critical step in developing your final paper – the outline should provide a detailed, step by step blueprint. If done carefully and thoughtfully, once you have an outline in place, the paper should practically write itself!

The outline must identify not less than 20 credible primary or secondary sources.

For tips, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/01/

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