ENV 333 Week 1 Quiz

In this paperwork of ENV 333 Week 1 Quiz you will find the answers on the next questions:

1.The following criteria must be addressed in an Environmental Assessment:

Need for proposed action, Notice of Intent, Environmental Impacts, List of Preparers

Need for proposed action, Explanation of alternatives, Environmental Impacts, List of Preparers

Need for proposed action, Explanation of alternatives, Environmental Impacts, List of Consulted groups or individuals

Need for proposed action, Notice of Intent, Environmental Impacts, Consulted groups or individuals

2. The first section of the EIS is

goals and objectives.

list of alternatives.

screening process.

purpose and need.

3. It is never acceptable to utilize a previously prepared EIS.



4. A supplemental Draft EIS and Final EIS must be completed if more than 4 years has elapsed since the circulation of the Draft EIS with no action or preparation of a FEIS.



5. An interactive effect is defined as

An effect that may occur removed in distance from the proposed project

An effect that may occur removed in time from a proposed project

The same sources of impact affecting the same resources of the environment

Differing sources of impact affect the same environmental resource.

6. The environmental criteria for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) includes only natural resources.



7. An Environmental Assessment is prepared for projects or actions that will have a significant effect of the environment.



8. What section of the NEPA regulation address the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)?





9. The no-build alternative should consider future projects and projections as a part of its definition.



10. Once the list of alternatives is reduced through the screening process, the fatal-flaw analysis is completed and the preferred alternative is immediately selected.



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