Environmental Problems & Solutions


Exam criteria: 

• You are writing to a novice (a rookie, beginner, new to a field or activity). 

• Add to the discourse (discussion, conversation). Think critically: the 5W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and 1H (how).

• Backup your responses. Use concepts, ideas, and examples from the course lectures and readings.

• Define terms (i.e. the what).

” You are evaluated on the intellectual rigor (depth, clarity, and analysis) of your written responses.


1.What is a Faustian bargain?

2.What is quantitative growth?

3.What is qualitative growth?

4.What are false binaries?

5.What according to Arthur Schopenhauer, 19th Century German philosopher, are the three stages of truth?

6.What is an existential crisis?

7.What is the extinction of experience?

8.Scientists have described environmental trends as alarming (p.1, World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice). Why?

9.What are negative externalities? Give an example.

10.What is the “expenditure arms race”? See pages 157 to 159 of Reading # 2 by Rod Hill & Tony Myatt: Externalities and the Ubiquity of Market Failure.

11.Why virtue? What are the musings (thoughts, discussion) of William Ophuls?

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