Environments That Reflect Our Values and Beliefs

Category: Communications

âEvery environment implies a set of values or beliefs about the people who use the space and the activities that take place thereâ¦.each environment also influences the people who use it in subtle or dramatic waysâ (Jaruszewicz, page 10).

In Week One you discussed a teaching philosophy and curriculum which most closely matched your own teaching philosophy. This discussion question will expand on these ideas and focus on the classroom environment. Watch each of the following videos:

  1. Montessori approach: Developmental Stages (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. Reggio Emilia approach: Reggio Approach (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  3. Waldorf approach: Waldorfâs Integrated Way of Learning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Pay particular attention to each classroom environment. Choose

one approach that you identify with most (it may be the same or

different from the approach you discussed in Week One). Utilizing the

text and at least one additional resource, please discuss specific

values and beliefs of the teaching philosophy/approach you selected, and

explain how these values and beliefs are reflected in the classroom

environment design. Expand on how the classroom environment design

supports the teaching philosophy and curriculum. What elements would

you identify as especially important for you to include when

implementing this teaching philosophy and curriculum? Your initial

discussion post should be at least 200 words in length.

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