Fin/419 fin 419 fin419 week 4 – individual assignment – e-text

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FIN/419 FIN 419 FIN419 Week 4 – Individual Assignment – E-Text Problems – A+ & Original Guaranteed from an A+ Tutor!


FIN/419 FIN 419 FIN419 Finance for Business

University of Phoenix

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P14-9 Accounts receivable changes with bad debts A firm is evaluating an accounts receivable change that would increase bad debts from 2% to 4% of sales. Sales are currently 50,000 units, the selling price is $20 per unit, and the variable cost per unit is $15. As a result of the proposed change, sales are forecast to increase to 60,000 units.

P14-16 Zero-balance account Union Company is considering establishment of a zero-balance account. The firm currently maintains an average balance of $420,000 in its disbursement account. As compensation to the bank for maintaining the zero-balance account, the firm will have to pay a monthly fee of $1,000 and maintain a $300,000 non–interest-earning deposit in the bank. The firm currently has no other deposits in the bank. Evaluate the proposed zero-balance account, and make a recommendation to the firm, assuming that it has a 12% opportunity cost.


15-9 Cost of bank loan Data Back-Up Systems has obtained a $10,000, 90-day bank loan at an annual interest rate of 15%, payable at maturity. (Note: Assume a 365-day year.) 





Assignments from the Readings

ResourcePrinciples of Managerial Finance

Prepare responses to the following problems from the text:


·         Ch. 14: P14–9, P14–16

·         Ch. 15: P15–9




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