Final Presentation Tchaikovsky

Category: Applied Sciences


 Arts and Culture of a Country or a Work in the Humanities Presentation. If you have to talk about a country, the purpose is to help introduce nothing else than the art and culture of that country in a way that is creatively stimulating and enlightening.

 At the end of your presentation, we should have knowledge of the arts and culture of the country to the point you would want to visit that place. 

Please, nothing about flags, population, or natural resources like beaches and parks (your grade would decrease if you focus on that) focus only on the humanities of that country.

 If your presentation is about an important contributor to the Humanities, or about literature, work of art, discovery, artist, philosopher, inventor, etc. or about his/her works do it in a way a way that is creatively stimulating and enlightening, in order to increase our knowledge of the humanities. 

For example, if you are writing about a painter, how does the style or subject matter of his paintings tie in with the culture, philosophies or ideas of his time? From what time in history is this person? What promote his style? Mention prices won, his/her biography, most important works, etc. Add as many pictures as possible of his works of art.

 Never forget to specify their masterpieces and where are they located. This presentation must be done in Power point with many details as possible so we all can learn with pictures, videos and correct writing. The last page must be the works cited.

 All presentations must be uploaded in blackboard no later than the week before the last week of the semester. You would fine what presentation you must do on the presentation list tab on Blackboard. Presentations are to be taken seriously. Although they are short, they still require an intense dealing with the course material. 

These will be graded on the amount of specific details they contain. I am excited to hear your own thoughts and reactions to the work, not just those of others. Please do not take the decision of not doing your presentation for any reason; you would hate to lose these points.

 The maximum final grade you can get would be an 80 if you take the decision of not doing it. Presentations must be uploaded in blackboard. Here are some helpful tips for your presentations that you may want to read through every time you work on one: • Use many details from the person, the country or the theme you have to present about. Ask questions to the public to make them active participants.

 For example, if you are presenting Rubens, talk about his art, his style, what influenced his style, how much influence the era and culture has on his work. Show pictures of his most important works of art, quote lots of specific lines from your sources (followed by citations) to prove your argument. The more specifics you give me, the better the grade you will receive.

 • If you are presenting France, talk about the origins of the country and their culture, their art, artists, philosophers, writers, scientists, inventors. Find about their way of living, traditions, dances, costumes, food, etc. Get tools like videos and images related to art like museums, buildings, sculptures, etc., in such a way that by the end of your presentation we all would like to visit that country. Do not use videos that are not authentic of that country.

 • Good sources to learn the culture of a country are videos of Rick Steve, Rudy Maxa or Burt Wolf

 • Always add the Works Cited Page with the correct format.

 • Leave a cushion of time for yourself. Finish your presentations as soon as possible after it is assigned. • Be very cautious using absolutes (“always” and “never”). Few things in this world are all or nothing.

 • Proofread multiple times, using proper grammar. Remember that in college, anything that is turned in, should be “publish-ready,” meaning completely free from spelling and other mechanical mistakes. 

• Cite any ideas that are not your own (including the text’s, the professor’s, or your neighbor’s). 

• Italicize complete works of art (e.g. Homer’s The Iliad, Botticelli’s Birth of Venus).

 • Use apostrophes if something belongs to someone (e.g. Hektor’s sword). Do not use apostrophes if something is plural (e.g. the 1800s.) 

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