financial accounting

Category: Accounting

PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to provide hands-on experience to Accounting 1/ BACC105 students on financial analysis using real-life data. It gives students the opportunity to demonstrate, through an extended exercise, their ability to apply their accounting knowledge and analytical skills to a real-world setting. It also provides an opportunity to develop students’ interpersonal skills in a work environment. GROUPS 1. Students are required to work as a group. Each group must have 2-3 students. 2. Each group will be required to hand in one report and prepare one in-class presentation. 3. It is the responsibility of students to organize themselves into groups of 2-3 students and ensure that contact details of each student in the group have been given to all group members. 4. Assignments submitted individually without the lecturer’s prior written permission will be heavily penalised.   IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENT The group assignment must be word processed and presented in an appropriate report format. The report’s technical content, format, clarity of exposition, language usage and overall presentation quality will be assessed. For example, marks will be deducted for poorly presented assignments and for grammatical/spelling errors. The assignment must be submitted by 11.55 pm on 2.10.2017. A late submission will attract a penalty at the rate of 5% per day or part of a day.  Each assignment should comprise one copy of the group’s written report, Accounting 1/ BACC105 group Assignment Cover Sheet. 1. The report should be printed on A4-size paper with double spacing and the length of the text (excluding appendix, references (if any) and coversheet and declaration page) must not exceed 1200 words (for Part A and B together).  GROUP ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENT  Financial Accounting 1/ BACC105–Semester 2, 2017    Page 2 of 7 Your report should contain the following sections, in the order given: 1. Assignment cover sheet and Team Contribution Declaration I. Part A (Analytical Summary of the Corporate Collapse Study) II. Part B 2. Title page  3. Table of contents 4. Introduction 5. The body:   5.1. financial analysis of the entities’ profitability   5.2. financial analysis of the entities’ liquidity   5.3. financial analysis of the entities’ efficiency and solvency    5.4. financial analysis of the entities’ attractiveness as an investment 6. Conclusions 7. Recommendations 8. List of references 9.  Appendices      A short 3-5 minute presentation and poster shall be prepared based on Part B and delivered prior to the students’ conference on the submission day. 2. Each assignment must include a copy of the declaration. Each summary must be signed by all members of the group to acquire a mark for the assignment. Students who fail to sign the declaration will receive a zero mark for the assignment.  3. All assignments must be submitted as a hardcopy with an assignment cover sheet attached or as an electronic file with an electronic cover sheet (please refer to your subject coordinator for actual requirements). The assignment cover sheets are available on your subject’s Moodle site or from the Course Administrator. Submit hardcopy assignments and cover sheets directly to the Course Administrator in PE332. Upon submission, you will be issued with a receipt. For group assignments, all group members must submit individual assignment cover sheets with the group assignment. Under no circumstances must you submit your assignment via email or to your teacher unless otherwise instructed. Assignments received by fax or email will NOT be accepted. 4. Prior to submission of your assignment you will be required to check for authenticity and originality using the “Turnitin” facility – please go to for further information or speak to your teacher.Page 3 of 7 5. Assignments submitted without clear indication of student names and numbers will not be assessed. 6. Each group member will receive their marks according to the agreed percentage of their contribution (as determined by the team). 7. Any dishonest assignments will be dealt with according to MP rules and regulations. Dishonest assignment practices include deliberate copying or attempting to copy the work of other students, submitting the work of another as your own, and plagiarism. 8. Failure to follow instructions of this assignment will attract appropriate penalties.

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