For this activity, the solution viewer in the virtual lab shows only the concentration of silver ion (Ag+++

Category: Science

Determine the concentration of an unknown NaCl solutionThis virtual lab activity asks you design and perform an experiment to determine the mass of NaCl present in the solution labeled “Unknown NaCl”.The stockroom contains some chemicals that you find useful.For this activity, the solution viewer in the virtual lab shows only the concentration of silver ion (Ag”) in the selected solution. This mimics acommon experimental situation. Techniques such as spectroscopy or electrochemistry often make it easy to measure the concentration of only aingle species, such as Ag. Chemists must then design experiments that meet their goals, while collecting data only on the concentration of thatspecies. In this activity, you must determine the amount of NaCl in an unknown solution, using measurements of [Ag ].The Ksp for Silver Chloride is: 1.830e-10.VirtualFileEditViewHelpEN Unknown NaCl SolutionStockroom+Workbench 1InformationEName: Unknown NaCIVolume: 101.44 mlSpecies (aq)Molarity+H1.00481e-7OH-1.00481e-7AgCINaCI-Agt1.99181e-10Species (s)gramsUnknown NaCIAgC11.0000101.44 ml @ 25.0 CTemperature: 25.00 C25.0 degPH: 7.00

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