Fundraising Plan

Category: Marketing

You should cover the following topics (as sections with headers) at a minimum, but are encouraged to include more than just the minimum in drafting this.

  • Fundraising Philosophy (a statement, similar to your short-form coaching philosophy and recruiting philosophy statements, that in a sentence or two, outlines the essence of your fundraising  philosophy)
  • Fundraising Objectives (2-5 SMART objectives that you attempt to achieve when executing your fundraising strategy)
  • Fundraising Strategy (this should outline the means by which you will meet your fundraising objectives) 
  • Fundraising Tactics (this will have multiple sub-headers/sections, and this is a place you may add more than I could conceptualize for your sport, as well as headers for specific named fundraising you will to, example October Breast Cancer Fundraiser.) including:
    • A section with header for each specific fundraiser you plan to conduct
    • Use of athletes for fundraising Any plans you have for athlete involvement in fundraising activites
    • Camps  you may intend to hold as part of fundraising efforts
    • any other item you feel fits here
  • Fundraising Projected Profit (a total projected profit for fundraising, with a separate line item providing a target profit for each of the above named fundraisers. Note: to clarify, I am looking for the profit, i.e, the amount of money you hope to clear on each effort – and ultimately add to your program’s budget)
  • Fundraising Success
    • Include a statement or paragraph discussing what fundraising success will look like in your program
    • Return to the objectives you wrote above, and now specifically craft one bullet point for each objective to outline exactly how you will know if you succeeded on that objective in each fundraising year
  • Anything else you believe should be in the fundraising plan that was not outlined here
  • Note: Each of the above italicized bullets should be HEADERS for sections of your paper. This will likely take 2-4 pages to draft, and will include a small profit projection

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