GE Signature Assignments are designed for students to be able to produce meaningful examples of their learning that document their progress and culminating skills and abilities. These assignments will

Category: Political Science

GE Signature Assignments are designed for students to be able to produce meaningful examples of their learning that document their progress and culminating skills and abilities. These assignments will be from five (5) to seven pages long and will incorporate, information, perspectives, insights and research from any of the social sciences touched upon and utilized in this class as appropriate. You may choose from one of the following topics: 1. Is great wealth concentrated in just a few hands a suppressant for democracy? 2. Is the political system of the United States in a crisis right now? If so why and how and if not, why and how? Please remember that your assignment should follow MLA guidelines: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1” margins, proper heading, and citations of the sources you are analyzing. *Just choose one of the “question topics” and use any sources you can, just not wikipedia, please.

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