Details: Pick a company that is easy to find out about along with its competitors. The research should include the strengths and weaknesses of the selected company based on the stated learning outcomes of the course. It should also cover the areas of core competencies which are the strengths and weaknesses of the competing rivals in the industry in general. Opportunities and threats are also considerations for the paper that come from the external factors to the industry; such as economics, demographics, politics, etc. To start with a framework, you are welcome to look up the Porter’s Industry Analysis model to assist you in identifying strengths and weaknesses.The company can range from airlines, aircraft production companies, etc., but please ensure that you find an aeronautical company since this is an aeronautical application course.Please ensure that you get a range of references like any paper at the senior undergraduate level, not just reference the website of the particular company. Also, based on the external factors of the aeronautical environment, it is good to reference state of the economy and industry type reports that are easily found in library periodicals and websites. The ERAU Hunt Library has excellent subscription and access sites. Please do not base your paper on Wikipedia. While Wikipedia often provides valuable information, it is not a credible resource and should not be cited or used as a primary source.Papers specific to one process within a company such as quality management or Six Sigma are not acceptable because this does not apply the full breadth of the material.Key considerations should be given to the external and internal factors that affect the industry and selected corporation.The paper must be 13-15 pages in length and follow current APA style regarding format (i.e., Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced, containing a Title Page, Abstract, and References).
Attached is a very brief and basic outline beginning.