he Jurisdiction of the Courts” Please respond to the following:

Category: Programming

“The Jurisdiction of the Courts” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, propose at least three (3) rules that you would use in order to choose the more appropriate court (state or federal) for the hearing of a particular case. Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction of the court in each case. Provide two (2) examples of jurisdiction choice to support your rationale.
  • Describe the manner in which presiding judges use the principle of judicial self-restraint within their U.S. courtroom procedures. Provide two (2) examples where judicial self-restraint is in use to support your rationale. Judge Selection and Removal Criteria” Please respond to the following:
  • From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the methods that states use within their selection process for judges, and specify the selection criteria that each state that you reviewed have in common. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
  • Discuss the selection process for a federal judge nominee, including the background checks, senatorial courtesy, the confirmation process, and the assumption of office. Specify which influences you believe are the most persuasive in the final selection of a judge. Provide rationale for your response.

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