Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on dying religions of the world Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! As the report declares The great numbers of religious beliefs found among the people living in the contemporary world testify of the divergence of religious views found in the world today. The believers of the various religious beliefs have organized themselves into different religious groups hence the emergence of denominations, sects, and sub sects among others which originate from the mainstream religious beliefs. With the proliferation of the religious beliefs, various reactions from the wider society and especially from the believers in the mainstream religion have emerged.
From the essay it is clear that following doctrines taught to the believers in the religious organizations and other factors, there has been a great shift in the trend and the rate of growth within the religions of the world with some religions showing a positive growth while others have displayed negative growth- the number of followers diminishing with time. The following discussion is about the world religions which are dying with time and the causes attributed to their dying. The believers in this religion practice monotheism and the belief that God has continually sent prophets with a revealed word for the people. Some of the prophets they believe to have been sent by God include Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and Siyyid ‘Ali-Muhammad among others. The followers of this religion have for a long time acted as targets of heavy persecution by a number of countries with a particular note to Iran.