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What is Research

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This week you read the first module of the” Writing for College” series entitled “Some Crucial Differences Between High School and College Writing” in which the authors laid out the requirement for you as college students to be able to make an argument based on your analysis of a given topic.  Many times the assignments you will complete at APUS will require some research and critical analysis of what you’ve read  before you provide your written answer.

As you review the basic steps of research, describe difficulties you have had in conducting basic research and presenting your conclusions.

Grading will be based on the following criteria:

Synthesis 40

Participation 30

Writing 30

Total 100

Due: Saturday, by 11:55pm, ET*

WEEK 1: Defining Research



What is Research?

Research is defined as the “systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information” to increase our understanding of the topic in which we are concerned (Leedy & Ormond, 2005, p. 2).  It is an organized approach to finding answers.  This is a simple definition but one that works when we add elements that define research.

Research is not one-dimensional, however, because the reasons that people conduct research are not the same.  Research can be a simple search for facts and data to answer a basic question. For example, if one wanted to know the date of a particular event, the goal would be to find that specific answer. If research is intended to provide a summary of facts, but not necessarily to produce new information, the researcher could satisfy his objective by collecting facts and collating them into a coherent report or review. Many research papers at the undergraduate level are at these first two levels. Finally, if the intention of research is to discover a new meaning or an alternate analysis of an existing theory or conclusion, this goal will require a more complicated process. This type of research is commonly employed at the graduate level of study.

Research starts with a problem or question.  You have questions about every aspect of your life, and it takes a question to begin the process toward finding answer. A reasonable research path requires a clear, unambiguous question that sets out what you intend to answer.  What are you trying to learn?

Research requires a plan.  There is no magic associated with a research topic.  Finding the answer requires clear goals and a strategy for accomplishing the necessary steps to find information. Large problems require that one break the problems down into smaller pieces.

Research must be guided by a specific question or hypothesis.   Once a researcher forms a question of interest and begins to make even the most basic inquiries about a subject, the next logical step is that the researcher comes to a basic guess about the outcome, or hypothesis, based on a logical assumption of the facts known to him.  Over time, if hypotheses are supported by data, a researcher comes to believe that there might be a viable theory about the assumptions. Hypotheses can become predictive in nature, and provide “shortcuts” to testing.

Research requires collection and interpretation of data to solve the problem that initiated the research.  Once data is collected, it must be interpreted and not all researchers “see” data in the same way because their hypotheses, research question, the type of data collected, and even the researcher’s belief systems affect interpretation of the data despite his best intentions to remain “scientific” (Leedy & Ormond, 2005, p. 2-10).


Research can also be defined by its purposes. The National Science Foundation divides research into three instrumental types of inquiry:

Basic research is defined as systematic study directed toward fuller knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications towards processes or products in mind.

Applied research is defined as systematic study to gain knowledge or understanding necessary to determine the means by which a recognized and specific need may be met.

Development is defined as systematic application of knowledge or understanding, directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific requirements” (NSF Website, Definition of Research).


Research is also cyclical. That is, one can discern a series of logical steps that a researcher will take as he addresses his problem and seeks in a methodical way to find the answer.

research cycle

Source for Diagram: University at Melbourne Library Guide http://unimelb.libguides.com/begin_research

Once the research question is defined, the researcher must PLAN a strategy to find the answer.

The researcher must then IDENTIFY what types of sources might best provide the information he needs.

To LOCATE the data the researcher must find the best sources and, according to the request topic, the sources could range from traditional libraries and database searches for articles and books to internet sources.  Locating data requires a search strategy.

Once the data is collected, the researcher must EVALUATE it for its validity, completeness, accuracy, and its usefulness in contributing to the body of data the researcher is accruing to address the research question.

When the researcher is reasonably sure that he has the data he needs and has organized it in an orderly manner, he will DOCUMENT his findings, carefully noting the source of the data by correctly formatted citations.  The written output should provide the answer to the research question.

Note that the process is termed a “cycle” because there are many places at which the researcher may decide that he must re-trace his steps.  For example, if he determines that he has insufficient data, he might choose to go back to the IDENTIFY and LOCATE steps.  Further, if a researcher determines that his research question has already been answered, then he will need to find another facet of the topic, or an alternate explanation if his data does not agree with the existing theory.


Leedy, P. D. & Ormond, J. E. (2005). Practical research: Planning and design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

National Science Foundation. (2016). Definitions of research and development: An annotated compilation of official sources. Author. Retrieved from: http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/randdef/fedgov.cfm

University of Melbourne Library. (2012). Beginning research. 2012. Author. Retrieved from: http://unimelb.libguides.com/begin_research  .  (accessed 19 January 2012)

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