I need 10 of these 1. Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure 2. Keep in the present tense 3. Provide an astute description (like a painting or photograph) of some scene that evokes feeling

Category: English

I need 10 different Haiku, please dont plagiarise, I will check 

1.      Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure

2.      Keep in the present tense

3.      Provide an astute description (like a painting or photograph) of some scene that evokes feeling on part of the reader

4.      Do not describe a feeling (e.g., “he is happy”), but a description of a feeling (i.e., “he is smiling”)

5.      Use seasonal characteristics or flavor that connotes a time in life (i.e.: ”cherry blossoms” representing spring or newness; “snow” representing winter or death).

May use an unexpected “twist” in the third line that creates a sense of “wow” response on the part of the reader.  

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