I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Race, Politics and Colour. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Nobody has to keep up some pre-conceived black image because honestly there is not one.
It’s common to think that people in general often wonder how others view them based on their appearance. This type of perception falls into the psychological concept of the looking glass self that was talked about in Toure’s Book. This states people shape themselves based on other people’s perceptions, which leads people to reinforce other people’s perspectives on themselves (Toure, 2011). Naturally, people want to portray a certain type of image. When you think of people who are in power you typically think of someone who is white and who is male. This is why some believe that blacks who have lighter skin tones are more likely to be powerful. This color complex has shaped the way not only the way whites view blacks, but also the way blacks view other blacks. So much emphasis has been on skin color that people will do anything to get an appearance that they feel will give them the best opportunity to be successful. The further you stray away from this image the more challenging it will be for them to be in a position of power. This outdated view of politics is not a part of how it works anymore. Money, class, and connections fuel the realm of politics and control who is in power and who is not. Being light or dark does not really control how you fit in this modern-day political atmosphere (Toure, 2011). We are entering an age where people at the top come in all different shapes and sizes.
Many people feel that the election of Barrack Obama marked the start of a post-racial America. Some critics are of the opinion that his election as president, coupled with his status as a global superstar, is the symptoms of a dawn of a post-racial America. Post-race can have two meanings. one is an era where the civil rights movement succeeded, with racism now having little significance, and the other is living in an era where race is not significant (Dawkins, 2010). Obama came to power with a compatibilist perspective that engaged hope and intimacy by challenging historical narratives regarding mixed-race alienation, as well as the current narrative of post-race relations. Via acknowledging and embracing his white and black heritage, Obama embedded his heritage into America’s character.