In response to the posted discussion question (Modules/Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8), post your thread by the date specified using at least 400 words. The grading rubric does not grade for word count. However

Category: Psychology

In response to the posted discussion question (Modules/Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8), post your thread by the date specified using at least 400 words. The grading rubric does not grade for word count. However, realize that too many words may indicate wordiness, but too few words may indicate incomplete thought. In addition to supporting your initial comments from course materials (with proper, current APA citation), the integration of a Christian worldview is always appropriate.


McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling (Rev. ed.). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House. ISBN: 9780842352529.

*Group Discussion Board Forum 3: 

The lectures in the Reading & Study folder as well as McMinn discussed guidelines for the use of prayer and Scripture in your counseling. However, the course materials also suggested some “cautions” or possible negative impacts when using these spiritual interventions. Read the following case and discuss the following questions. What guidelines from the lectures/McMinn apply to this case? What would you proactively do? What would you not do in using prayer and Scripture with Danielle? From the course materials, what are the most important points to keep in mind when counseling clients like this?

Case Study

Danielle was the product of a highly chaotic home in which the mother was addicted to drugs and abused alcohol on a daily basis. The four children in the home were removed by Child Protective Services and placed in foster care; Danielle was five at the time of foster care placement. She never knew her father. The foster family was “religious” and took Danielle and her 5 foster-siblings to church each Sunday. At home, the foster father had little emotional interaction with the children—Danielle would later say that he was “in it just for the money.” The foster mother seemed overwhelmed with the responsibility of the children and would use excessive corporal punishment for slight infractions. During the beatings, the foster mother would recite verses such as Ephesians 6:1 and then would require the children to memorize passages that seemed to justify the harsh treatment. Danielle, now in middle school, was referred to the Christian social services agency where you are a therapist. She has exhibited both verbal and physical outbursts at school. You are eager to show Danielle that God loves her and can help her with her problems. For her part, Danielle seems pretty disinterested in “religion.”

Finally, although this case refers to a “Christian” social services agency, also briefly review what you can and cannot do if this were a public services setting, with regard to expressing your beliefs and faith.

*Group Discussion Board Forum 4

(In preparation for this discussion question, make sure to read the course materials for Modules/Weeks 7–8: McMinn chapters 7–8; lectures week 7–8)

Discussion Question: McMinn discussed guidelines when confronting sin during a counseling experience and the lectures reviewed some factors as well. Your thread needs to be answered in two parts:

First, what would be the challenges (based on the lectures) of confronting clearly wrong behavior/ “sin” in the life of your client if you were working in a secular human services setting? Draw in concepts from the lecture to support your position. How might the approach from psychology make it difficult to confront clearly wrong behavior (worldview and perspective on attribution, for instance)?

Second, assume that you counseled in a human services setting in which you could integrate spirituality and a Christian worldview. Review the following brief “case” and answer the following questions:

  1. Based on the lectures and McMinn, why can’t a sensitive Christian counselor just automatically and quickly confront obvious sin in the life of the counselee?
  2. Of the cautions mentioned by the course materials, which ones do you think counselors most often overlook?
  3. From what you learned from the lectures/McMinn, how would you best address the clearly sinful behavior of this client?

Case Study

Jim is a client in your counseling center, who you have seen for about 8 months. He has been cycled through several other counselors and one described him as a “basket case.” Jim has several children, each with a different mother. He casually mentions that he rarely sees them, and since he can’t hold down a job, he provides no financial support. Some of his children are now in foster care. He engages in unprotected sex on a weekly basis. Typical of many of your clients, Jim drinks heavily and abuses street drugs. He comes to counseling only because it is required for him to receive the tangible support services of your agency. You are at the point in your counseling with Jim that you’d like to “let him have it” but your counseling training did not include that as a valid counseling technique. There is obviously much more to Jim’s story but suffice it to say that he is repeating many of the behaviors he learned from his parents’ dysfunctional parenting.

While you are sharing opinion here, you must demonstrate informed opinion by supporting your points with references to the course materials.

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