Category: Science

Question 1. Question :

What kind of energy does a person experience during skydiving?

potential gravitational energy

potential energy

chemical energy

heat energy

kinetic energy

Question 2. Question :

Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?




natural gas

Question 3. Question :

The combination of two atomic nuclei is referred to as fusion, whereas the splitting of a single atomic nucleus is called

gamma decay

alpha decay


beta decay

electron decay

Question 4. Question :

Einstein’s equation, E = mc2 , states that mass can be converted into





Question 5. Question :

A scientist who uses carbon-14 dating is actually measuring the

age of the Earth.

age of the igneous rocks.

time since the death of a living thing.

time that an artifact was made.

number of carbon ions in a material.

Question 6. Question :

The difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission is that

Energy is released from fusion, but not from fission.

Energy is released from fission, but not from fusion.

Fusion splits apart a nucleus; fission combines two nuclei into one.

Fusion combines two nuclei into one, fission splits apart a nucleus.

Only fission is involved in hydrogen bomb explosions; both fusion and fission are required for atomic bomb explosions.

Question 7. Question :

The first law of thermodynamics states that

potential energy is always greater than kinetic energy

in an isolated system, the total amount of energy is conserved

in an isolated system, the total amount of energy is constantly depleted

it is impossible to convert heat energy into kinetic energy

Question 8. Question :

Which of the following balls would have the greatest amount of kinetic energy if they are all traveling at 10 m/s?


ping pong ball

bowling ball

soccer ball


Question 9. Question :

Which particle found in the nucleus of the atom has no electrical charge?






Question 10. Question :

Most of the energy in a nuclear power plant is generated by conversion of

mass into heat energy.

two hydrogen atoms into helium.

heat energy into mechanical energy.

magnetic fields into electricity.

chemical potential energy into heat.

Question 11. Question :

The Yucca Mountain project for nuclear waste disposal

was stopped by environmentalists.

is similar to a project tested in Arizona.

was favored by most of the citizens in Nevada.

is a plan to bury nuclear wastes deep below the Earth’s surface.

has been determined to be a failure.

Question 12. Question :

A form of an element having different numbers of neutrons in its nucleus is called

an isotope

an isomer

a molecule

a neutrino


Question 13. Question :

How do two isotopes of the same element differ?

Their nuclei have different number of protons.

Their electrons have different orbits.

They have different electrical charges.

Their neutrons differ in number.

They have a different atomic number.

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