Welcome to Week Four! During Week Four, we continue to examine the importance of aligning assessment, curriculum, and instruction by creating a curriculum plan that aligns with a specific goal. We also reflect on learning from the course thus far. Please note that there is no assignment or journal for this week. The workload for this week is lighter than past weeks to give you the necessary time to further plan for the comprehensive Week Five Final Project. It is strongly recommended you look ahead now to the Week Five Final Project instructions and contact the instructor in the Ask Your Instructor discussion if you have any questions about this Final Project.
Required ResourcesRequired Text
Recommended ResourcesArticle
Debate: In the United States, there has been significant debate about the role that schools and childcare centers play in ensuring children are receiving enough time to be physically active. One side of the debate feels that schools and centers should focus more on academics and promoting social and emotional growth, placing more emphasis on parents promoting physical growth at home. The other side of the debate feels that physical development and being active is just as important as academics, and therefore should be given equal time in schools.Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Imagine you are co-teaching with your peer and need to come up with a way to promote healthy nutrition in order complete your director’s request. Together you agreed that using literature was a great way to teach this important topic. In your response, suggest at least one scholarly resource your peer can use to teach children about good nutrition. This resource could be a book, such as from the Dairy Council of California (2014) resource for this week.Additionally, in replies, be sure to explain why your peer might consider using this book in the classroom and address their stance on the debate – does your peer’s stance vary from yours? How might you convince your peers to change their perspective? Aside from the book or other scholarly source you recommended, what resources might you provide and why? Remember, continued interaction beyond the minimum two replies will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with the topics of physical education and nutrition curriculum design, assessment, and instruction.