Linda borrowed $19 000.00 on August 17. She paid $4 500.00 on November 11 (includes interests), $5 500.00 on December 8 (includes interests), and the balance on February 21. The rate of interest on th

Category: Accounting

Linda borrowed $19 000.00 on August 17. She paid $4 500.00 on November 11 (includes interests), $5 500.00 on December 8 (includes interests), and the balance on February 21. The rate of interest on the loan was 8.5%. How much did Linda pay on February 20? (Note: from Aug. 17 to Nov. 11=86 days, from Nov. 12 to Dec. 8=27 days & from Dec. 9 to Feb. 20=74 days)      5.5 marks

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