
Category: Physics

Assignment Instructions:

Write a 2 ½  page type-written paper.

Write the following information in your paper:

Share what you have learned from reading chapter 1 through chapter 7.

Which chapter or chapters did you find most helpful? Why?

Which chapter or chapters did you find most difficult? Why?

Did you find the use of scholarly journal articles and other reference materials helpful while completing this introduction to logic course? (Please provide at least a paragraph explanation).

How can the information learned, in this course, help you in your future academic studies? (Please provide at least a paragraph explanation).

How can the information learned, in this course, help you in your current and future career? (Please provide at least a paragraph explanation).

From taking this course, do you have a better understanding of logic? Explain. (Define logic and provide examples of your understanding of logic).

How did your professor engage you in classroom learning? Explain. (Please provide at least a paragraph explanation).

Would you suggest this Introduction to Logic course and professor to other students? Why? (Please provide at least a paragraph explanation).

Overall, how effective is your professor’s teaching style? (Include the use of Blackboard Discussions, Assignments, Grading, Quizzes, Helpful Tips, Posting of Scholarly Articles, etc. Please provide at least a paragraph explanation.)

**Please be sure to cite and reference previous course discussions where you have written papers pertaining to Logic, Syllogisms, Conditional Statements, Valid Arguments, Fallacy, Philosophers, Emotive Language, Premises, Conclusions, etc.

**Also, cite and use the textbook as a reference. Please make sure to include information in your paper pertaining to chapters 1-7 from your “Introduction to Logic” textbook.

**Please note: This assignment must be type-written and handed to me in class on Monday, July 24, 2017.

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