Looking for assistance with a 2-3 page paper to include an Abstract and reference page all in APA format. Below are instructions.Why it is important to understand HRIS if you worked as a HR Director o

Category: HR Management

Looking for assistance with a 2-3 page paper to include an Abstract and reference page all in APA format. Below are instructions.

Why it is important to understand HRIS if you worked as a HR Director of a large corporation (Base your introduction on our reading material from week 2 – Also, construct your introduction from the requirements that you select below)

• What did you learn about e-recruiting? Why would it be important to Understand as an HR director? What are the positives and negatives of e-recruiting? Cite examples that you find from research about the positives and negatives of e-recruiting. What are some of the resources that one could use for e-recruiting in an organization? Research different e-recruiting tools. Discuss three of these e-recruiting tools in this section and discuss specific providers that you might find during your research. What are some of the considerations that would be important when making decisions about e-recruiting?

Paper should in effect be designed as follows:

Abstract, Introductory Paragraph, Length – Write a 2 page review not including the title page and citation page, and Reference Page.

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