Assignment 2: LASA 1— Presentation on Shifts in the Healthcare Industry
You are a newly hired VP of mergers and special projects. You have noticed that there are shifts in the healthcare industry and you want to ensure your facility can continue to sustain itself in the future. You want to make a recommendation to pursue a specific population to increase funding, but you must make a logical explanation to the board.
Create a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) and make a recommendation to the board. Use the notes section in PowerPoint to provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation that fully explain each point and justification for your recommendations.
Make a recommendation on serving one of the populations (long-term care, special populations, and palliative care).
By Week 3, Day 7, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.