Category: Marketing

Course Learning Content and Assignments

Review the Assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the “Assignment” tab at the top of your screen, and then selecting each Unit# – Assignment, reviewing the description, type, and deliverables. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1 – 4? What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? Although not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Assignment Objectives

Describe common biases in decision making.

Explain the roles of emotion and fairness in decision making.

Interpret reflective and expedient decision making.

Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks.

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.

Appropriately use effective communication techniques.

Grading Rubric:

Grading Criteria


Post explains issues, elaborates on all parts of the topic, and contributes to group understanding of topic


Multiple substantive responses reflecting participation are evenly spread throughout the discussion period – 2 or more per week – sharing opinions, observations, and experiences, asking questions and making suggestions


Comments are appropriately addressed, well written, timely, relevant and coherent displaying accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation


Reading Assignment

Editorial Board, Chapter 6

Assignment Objectives

  • Describe common biases in decision making.
  • Explain the roles of emotion and fairness in decision making.
  • Interpret reflective and expedient decision making.
  • Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.
  • Appropriately use effective communication techniques.

Please I need 7 parasgraphs, no plagiarism Please.

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