need help finishing a newsletter i have almost completed

Category: HR Management

need help finishing a newsletter i have almost completed, please add to it a few more things.  i have attach my work.

This are the directions:

or the next newsletter, you have been asked to provide information about the role of government in public health.

Choose a health issue prevalent in your community.

Research national, state, and local governmental health agency websites for information on your chosen health issue.

Write a newsletter article (700- to 1,050 words) that summarizes your findings. You can use different columns to make sure you include the following:

  • Analyze the structure and function of public health at national, state, and local levels. In your analysis, include:
    • What type of structure you see between levels of government.
    • What functions you see at each level of government.
    • How the levels of government work together.

 Include at least 3 APA formatted references, including in-text citations and a reference list

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