Oil and Ethanol

LP4 Assignment: Oil and Ethanol

This assignment will assess competency 6. Analyze the historical role of energy and how it has changed over time and 7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable and renewable energy.

Directions: Complete the following Issues and Analysis Activities:

Drilling for Oil in the Deep Water on page 211
Does Corn Ethanol Fuel Make Sense? on page 232
Answer the questions at the end of each section completely and accurately (6 total).
The questions to the 6 questions are as follows:
***Drilling for Oil in Deep Water
1. If the cost of gasoline rose to $5.00 per gallon, would you support offshoring drilling?
2. Should the economic interest of the coastal state be a part of the equation for deciding to drill offshore?
3. Are there ways to reduce dependence on oil that would make offshore drilling unneccesary?
****Does Corn Thanol Fuel Make Sense?
1. Because it is renewable fuel, is it important to provide ethanol as a fuel?
2. Should the public be required to use ethanol fuel?
3. Should the production of ethanol be subsidized.

Answers to the question must be thorough and accurate and free from grammatical and spelling errors.  All references must be cited and work must be plagiarism free.


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