Open source

Category: Programming

From your knowledge and experience, discuss two technologies that can be used to integrate data from a database into a Web application. One technology must be open source. The other technology must be proprietary.

In your own words:

  • Identify each technology as open source or proprietary.
  • Compare and contrast the ability of the two technologies to integrate data from a database into a Web application (note this does not mean cost or access to the code).
    • Discuss a significant advantage of using the open source technology to integrate data from a database into a Web application.
    • Discuss a significant advantage of using the proprietary technology to integrate data from a database into a Web application.
    • Discuss a significant disadvantage of using the open source technology to integrate data from a database into a Web application.
    • Discuss a significant disadvantage of using the proprietary technology to integrate data from a database into a Web application.
  • Student experience is very valuable and contributes substance to the discussion. Any personal experience included in the discussion should begin with âIn my five years of experience as â¦â or words to that effect. Do not attribute personal experience as source material because the reader cannot retrieve it.
  • Engage your classmates in further discussion by providing at least two substantive responses to postings made by classma

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