using the attached paper which needs some rewording, to avoid plagiarism, references/citations, subject headers?
: Undergraduate
: Essay
: English (U.S.)
: 8 pages/2200 words
:APA5 sources
due in 3 hours
Can you turn the below assignment around in five hours or less? Please let me know asap and I think I might have forgot to submit this assignment and it is due today and worth a lot of points – no grace period. I will submit payment once confirmed. Thank you for your help.
Option #2
The Portfolio Project is due at the end of Module 8. For the Portfolio Project, you will analyze and synthesize data acquired from the Integrative Case, B.R. Richardson Timber Products Corporation (pp. 750-763 of the textbook), and present the findings in a paper.
Your analysis will synthesize various topics and content that have been introduced throughout the course. You may also use content from prior Critical Thinking Assignments in the final Portfolio Project where applicable.
The paper will include:
Additionally, address the following within your paper:
Your final paper must be 8-10 pages long, cite a minimum of five sources, and be formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements: subject headers, thesis statement, conclusion. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find sources! Include a title page and reference list page as part of the final project (but not as part of the page count). Submit your final case study to the Week 8 Assignments page.