Paper (Weight 20%) Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Please review the rubric for this assignment by clicking here Please review the rubric for this assignment by clicking here – Alternative For

Category: English

Paper (Weight 20%)Learning Objectives:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

 Please review the rubric for this assignment by clicking here Please review the rubric for this assignment by clicking here – Alternative Formats


 Review the major Research Paper Options Review the Major Paper Options here – Alternative Formats   

It is time to complete your final assignment for this course. Demonstrate your mastery over academic research, argumentative writing, appropriate grammar and style, and your understanding of rhetorical modes to complete this final assignment.


Now that you have created a thorough outline, you should continue to expand the outline into an essay format using proper APA style. Additionally, you will need to show competency in constructing a research-based argumentative piece of writing.  

To meet that goal, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate critical thinking and critical analysis skills, including your use of a research based argumentation 
  • Write between 1,000 – 1,200 words
    • Papers that do not meet at least 1,000 words are subject to a pro-rated penalty. (i.e. submitting 800 words would result in a 20% loss of grade as 20% of the paper’s word requirements were not met)
  • Effectively organize your essay. Write a clear introduction, thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement, and a clear conclusion
  • Use at least four sources.
    • Using a source means quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing it, including a citation each time it is being used 
    • Reference each source you use in your reference list
    • You should use the following sources:
      • Your textbook selection from Weeks 1, 2, and 3
      • Two peer-reviewed academic journal sources from Keiser’s e-Library
      • At least one additional credible source, which may include a reading from your text, the e-Library, or another reputable location
      • Additional sources are optional.
      • Contact your instructor if you are unsure as to whether a source will count towards the requirements.
    • If less than four sources are used, 10% may be taken off for each missing source (i.e. using only two sources would result in a 20% loss of grade)
  • No block quotes should be included. Use integrated quotes only.
  • Use 3rd person objective point of view only. Avoid 1st and 2nd person point of view.
  • Use academic language and proper grammar and mechanics. Consider using the  Online Writing Lab PowerPoint 1 – Alternative Formats  or your local campus Writing Studio prior to submitting this paper.


  • Format your paper using 7th edition APA requirements. (No abstract is needed for APA 7 student papers.)
  • No more than 20% of the paper should be from quoted source support.
  • No visuals should be used (i.e. images, charts, graphs, etc.). Use written material only.
  • This paper is due by Sunday of Week 4.
  • Only one submission is allowed. Contact your instructor if you have a problem.
  • Papers submitted after 11:59 PM on Sunday of Week 4 will not be graded without prior approval by the instructor.

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