Part I: After reading the lesson this week, name one of this week’s authors you could relate to in some way. Why? What about that author did you connect with?

Category: Literature

Reading Material MLA style.   SEE ATTACHMENT


From Sand Creek” by Simon


Ortiz in the textbook, American


Literature Since the Civil War


“A Postcard from the Volcano”


by Wallace Stevens in the


textbook, American Literature


Since the Civil War


“Why I Write” by Joan Didion in


the textbook, American


Literature Since the Civil War


I’m nobody, who are you? by


Emily Dickinson, available at


An Agony. As Now. by Amiri


Baraka, available at Poetry




We Wear the Mask by Paul


Laurence Dunbar, available at


Poetry Foundation


The Turning Point of My Life


from What Is Man? and Other




America from The Patriotic


Poems of Walt Whitman


Long Too Long America from


The Patriotic Poems of Walt




I Hear America Singing from


The Patriotic Poems of Walt




Shine Perishing Republic by


Robinson Jeffers, available at


Poetry Foundation


America by Allen Ginsberg,


available at Poetry Foundation


America by Claude McKay,


available at Poetry Foundation


Heritage by Countee Cullen,


available at Poetry Foundation


Autumn Begins in Martin’s


Ferry, Ohio by James Wright,


available at Poetry Foundation


Let No Charitable Hope by


Elinor Wylie, available at


Poetry Society of America


The Problem of Old Harjo by


John Oskison



forum entries should contain 300-400+ words and cite references to the text




under discussion. 





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