Please help. Philosophy 101.
2. True or False: In “Appearance and Reality” Bertrand Russell argues that we cannot know about the real objects in the world exist, except that they are the causes of our sense-data.”
A. True
B. False
3. Epictetus points out an important distinction between which of the following two things? The opinions of the wealthy and the opinions of the poor.
A. Athens and Rome.
B. What is in one’s power and what is not.
C. Slave and master.
D. None of the above
4. Which of the following states Susan Wolf’s position on the meaning of life in her essay “Meaning in Life”?
A. There is no objective meaning to life, like Taylor claims, but there is a subjective meaning if you are actively engaged in a project of worth.
B. Some projects that at a person might engage in are not meaningful and worthwhile.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
6. True or False: “One reason to believe Determinism is true is if you believe that the universe is entirely physical, because everything in the physical world is deterministic.”
A. True
B. False
8. Which of the following best states Epicurus’s advice on how to to deal with problems in life involving how other people treat you?
A. Realize that you are not in control of the will of other people and that is only rational to concern yourself with what you can control.
B. Recognize that the gods (or God) have a plan for you and that you should be worried about how the gods see you, not other people.
C. Take pleasure in the things in life you do have, in the company of people who are your friends, and don’t desire more fame, respect, and wealth.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
9. True or False: Epictetus disagrees with Epicurus and argues that we should fear death.”
A. True
B. False
10. Utilitarianism, in simple terms, is the theory that we should always act…
A. According to the rule that we should always bring about the best overall outcome for everyone who is affected.
B. According to a universal moral law that requires we respect the autonomy of all rational beings no matter the consequences.
C. According to the dictates of the implicit contract that all humans have agreed to live under
D. According to the idea of morality that is exemplified by the people that are considered to be heroes in our culture.
E. All of the above.
11. True or False; “Epicurus believes that the most important virtues that you need to have, without which you cannot be happy, are courage and a strong work-ethic.”
A. True
B. False
12. The form of oppression that Young calls “marginalization” most commonly occurs when…
A. Some people have lower status than others.
B. The fruits of some people’s labor are transferred to benefit others.
C. Some groups suffer from systematic, unpunished violence.
D. The labor market cannot or will not employ some people.
E. All of the above.
16. Even if people in a social group have access to a comfortable material life, marginalization can still be oppressive, according to Young. Why?
A. Marginalized people are more likely to face violence as a form of oppression.
B. Marginalized people are always also economically exploited.
C. Marginalized people are not independent or autonomous.
D. None of the above.
21. True or False: “According to Young, all acts of violence are also acts of oppression.”
A. True
B. False
24. According to Susan Wolf, objective value in a project of worth depends entirely on That the project is pleasurable.
A. The the project is something the person doing it really wants to do.
B. The subjective point of view of the person engaged in makes the person think it is valuable.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.
35. By “cultural imperialism,” Young means the experience of living in a society where…
A. Some people believe stereotypes about minority groups.
B. Western culture is exported to developing nations.
C. Certain groups are excluded from the labor market.
D. A dominant group becomes the “normal” perspective.
E. All of the above.
36. Which of the following best states Taylor’s position on the meaning of life in his essay “The meaning of life?”
A. If God exists, then life is objectively meaningful.
B. If all of our projects could be successfully finished, then life would be objectively meaningful.
C. If we believed that our lives were meaningful and enjoyed them, then our lives would be objectively meaningful
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.