Please complete this assignment and then submit as your week 10 individual assignment. Identify the defensive behavior from the Gibb categories,

Category: Communications

Please complete this assignment and then submit as your week 10 individual assignment.

  1. Identify the defensive behavior from the Gibb categories, which are illustrated by each of the disconfirming messages given below.
  2. Then re-write the statement so that it becomes a confirming message, conducive to creating a supportive climate.

_______1.      Sue, turn that off! Nobody can study with all that noise!

_______2.      Did you ever hear such a tacky idea as a formal reception with cheap paper plates?

_______3.      That idea will never work.

_______4.      Oh Hank, you’re so funny for wearing a printed shirt with those pants. Well I guess that’s a man for you.

_______5.      Terry, you’re acting like a child.

_______6.      CLASS! BE QUIET!

_______7.      You may think you know how to handle the situation, but you really don’t have the experience. I know when something’s over your head.

_______8.      You have five minutes and that’s it. Now get to work!

_______9.      Whatever you decide will be okay with me.

______10.      (Spoken to a roommate) Every time I turn around, you have some friend over here eating the food that I’ve purchased. You are such a mooch!!!

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