PLEASE RESPOND Your Mobile Ordering Project team needs to provide a summary of your analysis findings to IT leadership and other department…

Category: Engineering


Your Mobile Ordering Project team needs to provide a summary of your analysis findings to IT leadership and other department stakeholders. You are assigned to create the material.

Create material that:

  • Illustrates the current information system, capturing data from in-store ordering and payment processes
  • Illustrates the new information system that will be needed when mobile ordering and payment is added
  • Identifies potential uses of cloud computing technology, including the names of the cloud typ and likely cloud computing services
  • Identifies the security vulnerabilities the new information system could create
  • Provides recommendations to mitigate security concerns
  • Identifies any ethical and privacy concerns leadership should review.

Use diagrams to illustrate the information systems mentioned above. You can create diagrams using Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Visio® or another program of your choice.

Document  summary using one of the following options:

  • A 1- to 2-pag Microsoft® Word document

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