Precompetition PowerPoint Presentation

Category: HR Management

Precompetition PowerPoint Presentation

Fitness experts are often consulted on the best dietary practices prior to a race or competition.  Athletes should understand the importance of consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates prior to competition. Watch the video Eat to Win: Nutrition for Athletes and read Chapter 3 in the course text. Then, create a presentation for athletes on carbohydrate use during exercise.  In your presentation cover the following topics:

  • Explain the recommended intake for carbohydrates;
  • Analyze the average daily energy intake in the average adult male and female to female and male athletes preparing for competition;
  • Explain the importance of knowing the glycemic index of a food;
  • Analyze carbohydrate use before, during, and after exercise;
  • Explain two food products that should not be consumed before athletic competition;
  • Explain why the precompetition meal should be higher in carbohydrates that protein;
  • Create a sample precompetition meal and explain why you choose these food products;

The presentation should be a minimum of 8 PowerPoint slides in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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