quiz microbiology 10 question multiple choice

Category: Biology


The use of enzymes is necessary to increase the activation energy requirements of a chemical reaction.




Both respiration and photosynthesis require the use of an electron transport chain.



Which of the following conditions would increase enzymatic activity in a bacterial cell that normally thrives in the human body?

slightly increasing the temperature within the optimum range

placing the bacteria in the refrigerator

increasing the substrate level in the environment beyond saturation

adding another substrate that can act as a competitive inhibitor


Which of the graphs in the figure best illustrates the activity of an enzyme that is saturated with substrate?

Which of the graphs in the figure best illustrates the activity of an enzyme that is saturated with substrate?







Glycolysis is utilized by cells in both respiration and fermentation.



Microbiology Animation: Glycolysis: Overview

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Then answer the questions.

Part A

Why is ATP required for glycolysis?

ATP is used to convert DHAP into G3P.

ATP is used to convert PEP into pyruvic acid.

ATP makes it easier to break apart glucose into two three-carbon molecules.

ATP is used to reduce NAD+ to NADH.

Part B

Glycolysis literally means


energy producing.

sugar producing.

sugar splitting.

Part C

How many net ATPs can be made from one molecule of glucose in glycolysis?





Part D

What carbon molecules remain at the end of glycolysis?

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P)

Pyruvic acid


Part E

Which of the following statements about glycolysis is true?

Glycolysis is the main source of NADH in the cell.

All cells perform glycolysis.

Glycolysis produces glucose.

Glycolysis is also called the Embden-Meyerhof pathway.

Microbiology Animation: Krebs Cycle: Overview

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Then answer the questions.

Part A

What occurs at the bridge step?

The formation of succinyl CoA

The production of GTP

The formation of oxaloacetate

Decarboxylation of pyruvic acidSubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Part B

Based on the animation, how many electron carriers are reduced in the Krebs cycle only?




ThreeSubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Part C

What is the function of GTP?

A scaffolding for carbon atoms

An oxidizer to produce CO2

An energy carrier

An electron carrierSubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Part D

What is the fate of metabolites during respiration?

They are reduced to from NADH and FADH2.

They are rearranged to form GTP.

They are oxidized completely to carbon dioxide and water.

They are oxidized completely to form pyruvic acid.SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Which of the following is true of aerobic respiration compared to anaerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as a final electron (hydrogen) acceptor, whereas anaerobic respiration uses an organic molecule.

Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration both require oxygen as a final electron acceptor.

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as a final hydrogen acceptor, whereas anaerobic respiration uses an inorganic molecule other than oxygen as the final electron acceptor.

Aerobic respiration is less efficient than all forms of anaerobic respiration, producing less ATP and largerend-products.

Microbiology Animation: Enzymes: Overview

Part A

Why do all enzymatic reactions need activation energy?

Energy is needed for the enzyme to find its substrate.

Energy allows only the substrate to bind.

Energy is required by an enzyme so that it can be reused.

Energy is required to disrupt a substrate’s stable electron configuration.SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Part B

What is meant by the statement “Enzymes are biological catalysts”?

Enzymes produce products useful for biology.

Enzymes speed up the chemical reactions in living cells.

Enzymes produce biological organisms.

Enzymes are products of biological systems.SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

Part C

Why are enzymes important to biological systems?

Enzymes are reuseable.

Enzymes decrease the amount of activation energy required for chemical reactions to occur.

Enzymes prevent unwanted chemical by-products from forming.

Enzymes increase the energy barrier required of chemical reactions. SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part

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Part A

Which compound is being reduced in the reaction shown in the figure?

Which compound is being reduced in the reaction shown in the figure?

isocitric acid and α-ketoglutaric acid


NADH and isocitric acid

α-ketoglutaric acid and NAD+


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