quot;A gasoline fuel comprising 25 mass % C7H16 and 75 mass % C8H18 is fed to a combustion chamber with an excess of 100 % air over that required…

Category: Science

“A gasoline fuel comprising 25 mass % C7H16 and 75 mass % C8H18 is fed to a combustion chamber with an excess of 100 % air over that required for complete combustion. The fractional conversion of both fuels is 90% and the resulting combustion gases contain 20 times as much CO2 as CO, along with water vapour, excess oxygen, nitrogen and unburnt fuel. Assuming that air is 21 mol % O2 and 79 mol % N2, calculate (a) the mole fraction of C7H16 in the gasoline mixture(b) the mass of air supplied per kg of gasoline fuel(c) the mole fractions of the combustion gasesData: RMM C = 12, H = 1, O = 16, N = 14”

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